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What Sort of features would you like to see on the site?

Over the course of the next several months, Beta testers will see a number of new features come & go from the site as we test things out. So you, our lovely Beta-Testers we welcome and look forward to what sort of things you would like to see on the site. Discuss!

Replies (4)
    • There's not a music site yet for any adult, mature, or xxx rated music, so could add the option to add mp3 files for music tracks and DJ sets. I think MixCloud had a 500 MB limit per mp3 upload, and then made a simple rule that as long as it is a mix set (many tracks by many artists and ran together), that makes it legal for fair use. Individual tracks are more of a problem when it comes to copyrights, so could hold off on allowing individual tracks till you have that more prepared.

      • There will be a music feature down the line. But probably not until next year.

        • What is a music feature? A place to drop a shoutcast streamer url?

          <-- is not tech-smart.

        • I have 50 mp3 files that I would contribute to that.

          • 1
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