Keios Llatser
- · Standard
- · 4 friends
So I'm going to be doing another test stream later to see how everything looks. If there's anyone about who see's me go online, please head into it and post in the chat. The more descriptive about the quality of the stream the better. Cant give an exact time as I've got more to get up and running on the computer to do this.
Still getting used to the way things run on here. No idea if the test stream's video was smooth or not earlier, avoiding the fact I realised too late about the mic being off part way. But migraines got in the way, so I'll do a better stream later. Is there a page to see who's currently streaming though or a way to save the streams to watch over later?
I'm looking at what games to stream once my computer has been upgraded. What are some specifically adult orientated games that would make for an interesting stream that people would like to see?
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